

Featured image for “Re: Park reserve expansion urged (Aug 30)”
December 4th, 2001

Re: Park reserve expansion urged (Aug 30)

I’m delighted Manitoba Conservation Minister Stan Struthers is soenthusiastic about the proposed provincial park on the south-west basin ofLake Winnipeg.The new Ochiwasahow (Fisher Bay) park, championed by theFisher River Cree Nation, will stretch four times the size of Winnipeg andprovide an opportunity to protect our boreal forests for future generationsof
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Featured image for “Park reserve expansion sought”
December 4th, 2001

Park reserve expansion sought

The Fisher River Cree Nation has put in a request to the provincial government to expand the current Fisher Bay Park Reserve to include the area east of the Jackhead Road and the area currently known as the Moose Creek Provincial Forest. The current park reserve, located on the southwest
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Featured image for “Nature’s wonderland right on our doorstep”
December 4th, 2001

Nature’s wonderland right on our doorstep

ST. MALO PROVINCIAL PARK—It’s typically Manitoban. There’s a lake with great beaches, nicely forested campsites and cottages on the periphery—but don’t tell anyone. Keep it to yourselves. That fits St. Malo Provincial Park to a T, located just 45 minutes south of Winnipeg, off Highway 59. “When you tell someone
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Featured image for “Tiny bats give hope to proposal for park”
December 4th, 2001

Tiny bats give hope to proposal for park

BACKERS of a proposed provincial park at Fisher Bay think little brown bats could be the big hook that gets the province to designate the area as Manitoba’s newest wilderness getaway. Fisher River Cree Nation Chief David Crate and a local bat expert said the area near Lake Winnipeg is
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Featured image for “CPAWS kicks off public campaign to “Make Forests Count”  in U.N. Agreement on Climate Change”
December 4th, 2001

CPAWS kicks off public campaign to “Make Forests Count” in U.N. Agreement on Climate Change

OTTAWA – The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is launching a public campaign today inviting citizens in Canada and other countries to let decision makers know that in the next U.N. Convention on Climate Change, it’s time to “make forests count.”  The campaign is timed to coincide with the
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Featured image for “Wilderness areas get protection”
December 4th, 2001

Wilderness areas get protection

The Manitoba government has set aside three wilderness areas in the province to protect wildlife from ATVs, snowmobiles and other human encroachment. The new areas are the Whitemouth Bog Ecological Reserve, the Whitemouth Bog Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and Observation Point WMA. The undeveloped wilderness areas total more than 14,000
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Featured image for “Fisher River Cree Nation Wins Tourism Award”
December 4th, 2001

Fisher River Cree Nation Wins Tourism Award

Fisher River Cree Nation, a community working with CPAWS to establish a Fisher Bay provincial park around the south basin of Lake Winnipeg, won a tourism award today for the Leigh Cochrane Memorial Visitors Centre. The Visitors Centre is proposed to serve as the hub for the candidate park. At
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Featured image for “NDP reaffirms support for Boreal forest”
December 4th, 2001

NDP reaffirms support for Boreal forest

NDP delegates have voted overwhelmingly to reaffirm the party’s commitment to protect the pristine boreal forest on the East Side of Lake Winnipeg and to continue to work with First Nations toward designating the East Side a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Delegates at the party’s weekend convention voted to support
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Featured image for “Travel: Bearing down on Hudson Bay”
December 4th, 2001

Travel: Bearing down on Hudson Bay

By Jack Christie Polar boulders. Caribushes. Muskrocks. Victoria-based wildlife guide Andrew MacPherson has seen them all during summer sojourns in the Arctic. Drift through Wapusk National Park near the west shore of Hudson Bay aboard a slow-moving train and you will too, as wildlife melds with the landscape. A quartz
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Featured image for “An environmental hot potato for would-be premiers”
December 4th, 2001

An environmental hot potato for would-be premiers

What happens when you find yourself stuck between a strand board and a hard place?The future leader of the NDP is certainly going to find out. For it is going to be left up to whomever replaces outgoing Premier Gary Doer to settle a simmering battle that could very well
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Featured image for “2008 Protected Areas Efforts Earn Manitoba ‘F’”
December 4th, 2001

2008 Protected Areas Efforts Earn Manitoba ‘F’

Manitoba Wildlands has released the annual Manitoba Protected Areas Grade and technical assessment. Its actions, or lack thereof, have earned the provincial government a failing grade for 2008. In the year since December 2007, Manitoba experienced a net loss of protected lands. This marks the second year in a row
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Featured image for “Attend a Gathering for our Parks”
December 4th, 2001

Attend a Gathering for our Parks

Healthy provincial parks create a healthy environment and a better future for all Manitobans. Unfortunately, industrial activity such as clearcut logging is permanently degrading our parks.In the coming months forestry licenses that were granted to corporations to clearcut log these cherished areas are expiring. The government is currently negotiating new
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