See below for news coverage about CPAWS Manitoba.
Nov 1, 2024 | The Narwhal
What an Effort to Preserve Cree Homelands in Northern Manitoba means to the people behind it
"Kitaskeenan Kaweekanawaynichikatek, the land we want to protect: members of five Cree nations reflect as they seek to protect land devastated by hydroelectricity."
Nov 1, 2024 | The Narwhal
Devastated by Manitoba Hydro, Five Cree Nations are Working Together to Conserve Traditional Lands
"As huge hydroelectric dams blocked most major rivers in northern Manitoba, life for some First Nations forever changed. Five Cree Nations share their stories of the long road back to sovereignty."
OCT 24 2024 | National Observer
Churchill at a Crossroads: Looking forward from the past
“There’s just so many reasons to protect the resources that are there that are, both paramount for nature conservation, but also for economic opportunities,” Thiessen said in an interview with Canada’s National Observer, pointing at the rich opportunities for ecotourism.
OCT 10 2024 | express weekly news
Fisher River Cree Nation Acquires Peat Harvest Licence
Efforts underway to extinguish licence to protect areas for nature and culture.
Aug 1, 2024 | Stonewall teulon Tribune
CPAWS Offers Free Group Hikes on Stony Mountain Quarry Trail
Digital Marketing Coordinator, Katie Borgfjord, chats about our upcoming nature club hike.
July 29, 2024 |CTV Manitoba
CPAWS Chats Goals
Executive Director, Ron Thiessen, explains goals for the CPAWS Manitoba Chapter.
July 29, 2024 |CTV Manitoba
30 by 30 Campaign
Conservation Campaign Manager’s Neil Bailey and Claire Woodbury explain the 30 by 30 campaign.
July 29, 2024 |CTV Manitoba
What’s a Conservation Ambassador?
CTV’s Ainsley McPhail learns how CPAWS wants to engage Manitobans on conservation initiatives.
July 29, 2024 |CTV Manitoba
Environmental Programs with CPAWS
Environmental Education Manager, Carly Gray, chats about teaching future generations how to protect nature.
July 29, 2024 |CTV Manitoba
CPAWS Nature Club
Digital Marketing Coordinator, Katie Borgfjord, spoke with Ainsley McPhail CTV Morning on Nature Club activities.
June 14, 2024 |CTV Manitoba
Digital Marketing Coordinator, Katie Borgfjord, spoke with Rachel Lagace on CTV Morning Live on CPAWS summer Nature Club activities.
June 3, 2024 |CBC Manitoba
CPAWS looking for Volunteers for the Summer
Director of Communications, Mira Oberman, spoke with Faith Fundal on "Up to Speed," on campaigns, summer programs, and volunteering.
May 31, 2024 | The WINNIPEG FREE PRESS
A Balanced Critical Minerals Strategy for Manitoba: OP-ED
"The path forward for Manitoba lies in a nuanced and collaborative approach to resource development and environmental protection," Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in this op-ed published by the Winnipeg Free Press.
April 26, 2024 | The narwhal
For years, Manitoba stalled on protecting nature. Here’s what you need to know as it vows to change course
“Good early progress was made with the announcement of interim protection for the Seal River watershed that will bring it up to over 17-per-cent protected in Manitoba,” said Ron Thiessen, CPAWS Manitoba ED, in an interview with The Narwhal highlighting Manitoba's conservation goals.
April 19, 2024 | Winnipeg Free press
Lack of Climate Investment has High Cost
The provincial government’s lack of investment in nature could cost Manitobans dearly. Conserving nature is an essential and cost-effective part of the climate solution and it needs to be acted on immediately," wrote Ron Thiessen, CPAWS Manitoba ED, in a Winnipeg Free Press op-ed.
April 18, 2024 | 680 CJOB
Small Town Salute: Highlighting CPAWS 30x30 Campaign
CPAWS Manitoba's Director of Communications, Mira Oberman, talked about CPAWS Manitoba 30% by 2030 campaign and the Nature Club with Brett Megarry on The Start for 680CJOB.
March 13, 2024 | Free Press-community Review Rolyalwood
A CPAWS that Refreshes
“CPAWS hikes mean so much to me. I love getting outside, seeing people get in touch with nature, and connecting with all the amazing hikers and volunteers who show up,” Katie Borgfjord, Digital Marketing Coordinator and hike leader for CPAWS Manitoba told the Winnipeg Free Press.
February 26, 2024 | The Brandon SUn
A Budget to Help Manitoba — and the Planet
"There is an issue that touches on all the important measures Premier Wab Kinew will likely seek to address in his first budget. It encompasses the health, security, prosperity and future of all Manitobans. It is also one in which the planet has a stake." Jeff Wells, Vice-president for Boreal Conservation at the National Audubon Society, and Ron Thiessen, ED of CPAWS Manitoba, wrote in an op-ed published in the Brandon Sun.
February 26, 2024 | The Winnipeg Free Press
A Budget to Help Manitoba — and the Planet
"There is an issue that touches on all the important measures Premier Wab Kinew will likely seek to address in his first budget. It encompasses the health, security, prosperity and future of all Manitobans. It is also one in which the planet has a stake." Vice-president for Boreal Conservation at the National Audubon Society, and Ron Thiessen, ED of CPAWS Manitoba, wrote in an op-ed published in the Winnipeg Free Press.
February 8, 2024 | The Wolseley Leaf
Put Spending Time in Nature on Your New Year’s Resolution List: OP-ED
"Science has come up with some fascinating ways to show how spending time outside improves mental and physical health, sometimes in surprising ways. Which is why spending more time in nature is at the top of my New Year’s resolution list. And I’m not going to be waiting for spring to do it," Mira Oberman, Director of Communications and Public Programs for CPAWS Manitoba, wrote in an op-ed published in the Wolseley Leaf.
February 2, 2024 |Canadian Geographic
How four Manitoba First Nations are protecting one of the world’s largest remaining wild watersheds
"Crown support is critical," Ron Thiessen, Executive Director of CPAWS Manitoba told Canadian Geographic. "While the Nations in the Alliance can unilaterally declare an IPCA, the Manitoba and federal governments must agree to respect it to ensure its permanent protection."
January 22, 2024 |The Winnipeg Free Press
Watershed a gem
“Thursday’s tri-party announcement is a key step towards permanently conserving the Seal River Watershed in northern Manitoba as an Indigenous Protected Area,” Ron Thiessen, Executive Director of CPAWS Manitoba, told the Winnipeg Free Press.
JANUARY 18, 2024 |Government of Canada
Seal River Watershed Alliance, Government of Canada, and Manitoba Government sign a historic agreement to protect one of the largest ecologically intact watersheds in the world
"Indigenous peoples have stewarded these lands since time immemorial. Conserving the Seal River Watershed as an Indigenous protected area is an important act of reconciliation. Our Manitoba chapter is honoured to have been a partner in the initiative since the initial discussions to protect the watershed began. Everyone at CPAWS is thrilled to celebrate this important milestone," Chris Rider, National Director, Conservation, CPAWS said in a Government of Canada press release.
September 23 2023 | The Narwhal
‘Shameful’: Manitoba’s protected areas grew less than 0.1% in seven years
“If we’re going to solve the climate crisis, if we’re going to solve the issue of mass wildlife and species decline all over the world, we need to protect habitat, which means we need to protect nature,” Ron Thiessen, Executive Director of CPAWS Manitoba told the Narwhal.
September 21 2023 | The Winnipeg Foundation
Why X Matters Episode 3: The Environment
"In terms of eco anxiety and climate anxiety it's really important to focus people on what they can do," CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen told The Winnipeg Foundation podcast.
September 21 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
Nature Protection an Afterthought
“If we’re going to solve the climate crisis, if we’re going to solve the issue of mass wildlife and species decline all over the world, we need to protect habitat, which means we need to protect nature,” Ron Thiessen, executive director of the CPAWS Manitoba chapter, told the Winnipeg Free Press.
September 21 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
Nature-Based Solutions have Role
"We no longer have the luxury of delaying action to address this existential threat," CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in an letter to the editor published by the Winnipeg Free Press.
August 29 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
The Environment as an Election Issue
"We need to protect 30 per cent of Manitoba by 2030, a goal that is not only achievable, according to CPAWS Manitoba, It’s essential," Erna Buffie wrote in a Winnipeg Free Press op-ed.
August 20 2023 | CTV News Winnipeg
'Really incredible thing to do': The Benefits of Hiking in Manitoba
“And modern life brings a lot of stress that comes from things like traffic noise that you don't even notice until you get away from it. So the kind of health and wellness benefits of getting outside in nature, and especially on hike, which takes you away from city noises - there's too many to count," said Mira Oberman, Director of Communications and Public Programs at CPAWS Manitoba, told CTV News Winnipeg.
August 18 2023 | CBC Manitoba
Manitoba NDP promises electric-vehicle rebates, Liberals pledge to create seniors' advocate
"There are several Indigenous protected area requests underway throughout Manitoba, there are also areas of special interest which are candidate protected areas that are on the table," Thiessen told CBC Manitoba at an NDP news conference where the party announced its commitment to protect 30% of Manitoba by 2030.
August 18 2023 | Winnipeg free press
NDP promises rebates for EV buyers, other environmental-protection measures
"We are in a climate crisis. We are in a nature crisis, so this action is absolutely necessary and it is achievable,” CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen told the Winnipeg Free press at an NDP news conference where the party announced its commitment to protect 30% of Manitoba by 2030.
August 18 2023 | Winnipeg SUn
NDP lays out environmental initiatives, including helping families buy electric vehicles
“CPAWS Manitoba has been calling on all political parties running in the provincial election to commit to protecting 30% of Manitoba’s lands and water by 2030,” CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen told the Winnipeg Sun.
August 17 2023 | Stonewall Teulon Tribune
CPAWS to host Stony Mountain Quarry hikes
“We’ve developed a wide range of activities and programming to help Manitobans of all ages and abilities enjoy the health and wellness benefits of nature,” Katie Borgfjord, Digital Marketing Co-ordinator for CPAWS Manitoba, told Stonewall Teulon Tribune.
August 16 2023 | Winnipeg Global News
Poor air quality in Winnipeg triggers cancellation of one business’s outdoor activities
“We had 120 people registered – a sold out crowd of people looking forward to spending the night out on the river, having fun with kayaks and canoes and dragon boats. Unfortunately, with the combination of wildfire smoke and high winds, we had to make a call that it wasn’t safe,” Mira Oberman, Director of Communications at CPAWS, told Winnipeg Global News.
August 4 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
Manitoba Needs a Plan to Protect Nature
"More than 3,000 Manitobans have signed postcards and sent emails to provincial political leaders urging them to commit to protecting 30 per cent of the province by 2030 since the Manitoba chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) launched its public mobilization campaign in May," Ron Thiessen wrote in an opinion piece published by the Winnipeg Free Press.
July 27 2023 | CBC Radio Manitoba
A new workshop by CPAWS looks to help LGBTQ+ youth to feel comfortable in nature
"Did you know that there are examples of queerness in nature? A new workshop by Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society of Manitoba aims to help LGBTQ+ youth to feel comfortable being themselves in nature." CBC Manitoba's Stephanie Cram spoke with the workshop facilitator, Kate Heide.
July 26 2023 | CBC LISTEN
Manitoba has a New Provincial Park
"For years, First Nations and environmentalists have been working to protect the remote area of Pemmican Island. Their work has paid off, as the island was recently designated a provincial park." CBC Manitoba host Marjorie Dowhos spoke about the new park with CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen.
July 25 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
Manitoba Designates Island 93rd Provincial Park
The 67-acre island, located on the north basin of Lake Winnipegosis, 125 kilometres north of Dauphin, “is especially important for water birds and bird life in the area. It’s also a place of cultural significance for the regional First Nations,” Ron Thiessen, director of the Manitoba chapter of CPAWS, told the Winnipeg Free Press.
July 25 2023 | CBC Manitoba
Pemmican Island earns provincial park status, after years of prodding by First Nations, environmentalists
Pemmican Island has been designated Manitoba's 93rd provincial park, much to the relief of First Nations and environmentalists who fought for years to keep the remote, 27-hectare island in the north basin of Lake Winnipegosis free from mining activity, CBC Manitoba wrote.
July 22 2023 | CBC Radio Manitoba
A hike on the Friendship Trail in Saint Adolphe attracts charmed walkers
"We want to encourage people to get out and explore Manitoba,” CPAWS Manitoba Digital Marketing Coordinator Katie Borgfjord told CBC Manitoba.
July 8 2023 | The Winnipeg Free Press
Re: Province unveils 72-point action plan on water strategy
"A water management strategy worth its salt must include a strong commitment to establish protected areas. The Manitoba government’s action plan for water management needs revision," CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in a letter published by The Winnipeg Free Press.
June 22 2023 | The Winnipeg Free Press
Good Signs in Winnipeg Byelection
Manitobans need to call on political parties and candidates in the upcoming provincial election to commit to developing an action plan that will protect 30% of Manitoba’s lands and waters by 2030, CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in a letter published by The Winnipeg Free Press.
June 8 2023 | Working Together Magazine
Urban Nature Connections
CPAWS Manitoba Nature Club was featured in The Winnipeg Foundation's magazine "Working Together" spring 2023 edition.
MAY 23 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
Time for the Province to Step up on Conservation
Manitoba has a golden opportunity to show true leadership for the future of people and wildlife by committing to the global target of conserving 30 percent of earth's lands and waters by 2030, CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in an opinion piece published by the Winnipeg Free Press.
MAY 2 2023 | CTV News
Environmental Outdoor Programming for Daycares and Schools
CPAWS Manitoba's environmental outdoor programming for daycares and schools and how we get kids outside and into nature was the topic of one of five interviews with CTV Morning Live, which broadcast from our office on Corydon Avenue on Tuesday May 2.
MAY 2 2023 | CTV News
CPAWS Manitoba on CTV Morning Live
An overview of CPAWS Manitoba's conservation campaigns and information about parks and protected areas in Manitoba was the topic of one of five interviews with CTV Morning Live, which broadcast from our office on Corydon Avenue on Tuesday May 2.
MAY 2 2023 | CTV News
Why We Need to Protect Manitoba's Lands and Waters
Why are we working to protect peatlands and other areas in Manitoba and how it helps mitigate climate change was the topic of one of five interviews with CTV Morning Live, which broadcast from our office on Corydon Avenue on Tuesday May 2.
MAY 2 2023 | CTV News
Summer 2023 Nature Club Hikes and Events
Upcoming hikes in Spirit Sands Provincial Park, Birds Hill Park, and Grand Beach and other Nature Club activities were the topic of one of five interviews with CTV Morning Live, which broadcast from our office on Corydon Avenue on Tuesday May 2.
MAY 2 2023 | CTV News
CPAWS Manitoba's 30x30 Campaign
A new campaign to protect 30% of Manitoba by 2030 was the topic of one of five interviews with CTV Morning Live, which broadcast from our office on Corydon Avenue on Tuesday May 2.
APRIL 17 2023 | Winnipeg Sun
Winnipeg could be latest Canadian city to sign pledge on biodiversity
CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen weighs in about the importance of protecting biodiversity in Manitoba.
APRIL 3 2023 | CTV News
How campsite bookings went on day one in Manitoba
Director of Communications Mira Oberman speaks to CTV news about the need for more investment in parks from the Manitoba government.
APRIL 3 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
Province must reduce emissions
Manitoba’s forests, grasslands, wetlands and ocean are part of the climate change solution. These ecosystems help to mitigate the impacts of climate change by absorbing greenhouse gas emissions, CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in a letter published by the Winnipeg Free Press.
March 27 2023 | Winnipeg Free Press
Solution to Canada’s looming water crisis
Canada’s lakes, rivers and wetlands hold about 20 per cent of the world’s fresh water. Yet some of our nation’s leading scientists warn us that Canada is facing a looming water crisis owing to threats from climate change, pollution and development, CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in an opinion piece published by the Winnipeg Free Press.
March 4 2023 | The Narwhal / Winnipeg Free Press / Brandon Sun
Manitoba’s threatened woodland caribou are finally getting much-needed protections
March 1 2023 | 680 CJOB
Discussing the protections needed for Manitoba's threatened woodland caribou
Feb 9, 2023 | Winnipeg free Press
Get proactive to protect belugas
Feb 8, 2023 | The Narwhal
Manitoba’s Arctic coast is home to seals, polar bears and 60,000 belugas. Here’s Canada’s chance to protect it
We Must Act Now on Biodiversity Protection: Op-Ed
Dec 15, 2022 | The Narwhal
The last undammed major river in Manitoba is one step closer to protection
Dec 6, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Indigenous leadership key to conservation efforts: Op-ed
This opinion piece, written by CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen, was published in the Winnipeg Free Press on Dec 6, 2022. Thiessen discusses global species loss and the role we can play to save them.
Dec 5, 2022 | CBC News
How Indigenous-led conservation could help Canada meet its land and water protection targets
This CBC News long read highlights the Seal River Watershed Alliance and a roadmap report published by CPAWS showing why Indigenous-led conservation is key to hitting Canada's conservation target of protecting 30% by 2030.
Dec 3, 2022 | Radio-Canada
Hikers had explanations in French at the Bois-des-Esprits forest on Saturday
For one of the CPAWS Manitoba Nature Club hikes, we partnered with Sports en Français, an organization that contributes to the development of Manitoba’s Francophone community through sport and physical activity in French.
Nov 17, 2022 | the narwhal
Indigenous guardian program brings hope, sovereignty to Manitoba’s last undammed river
A new Indigenous guardian program in the 50,000-square-kilometre Seal River Watershed in northern Manitoba is the next step toward nearly doubling protected areas in the province.
Nov 1, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Polar bears need our protection: Op-ed
This opinion piece, written by CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen, was published in the Winnipeg Free Press on Nov 1, 2022. In it, Thiessen discusses the importance of our majestic polar bears, and how we can protect them.
Advocate Seeks National Designation for Urban Forest
If Ron Thiessen has his way, the Assiniboine Forest will someday become Winnipeg’s first national urban park, a designation that would permanently protect it from residential and commercial development. But first, he must get the City of Winnipeg and the federal government on board.
Sept 24, 2022 | CBC News
Wilderness Group Urges Winnipeg Mayoral Candidates to Push for Assiniboine Forest National Urban Park Status
CPAWS Manitoba was joined by 11 mayoral and city councillors candidates at Assiniboine Forest Saturday for a press conference about making the forest a national urban park.
Sept 24, 2022 | CTV Winnipeg News
Mayoral candidates speak on potential of Assiniboine Forest becoming a national urban park
During a CPAWS Manitoba news conference on Saturday, mayoral and city councillor candidates weigh in on making the Assiniboine Forest a national urban park.
Sept 24, 2022 | Global News
CPAWS Manitoba urges mayoral candidates to place protections on Assiniboine Forest
CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen was joined by mayoral and city councillor candidates and media at Assiniboine Forest Saturday.
september 12, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Letter to the Editor: Indigenous effort appreciated
CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen's letter to the Editor on September 12, 2022.
July 19, 2022 | CTV Morning News
CPAWS Hosting Evening Forest Bathing and Mindfulness Workshop
CPAWS Environmental Educator, Avery Kash joined CTV Morning News to discuss the Evening Forest Bathing and Mindfulness Workshop in Assiniboine Park on August 11.
July 19, 2022 | CTV Morning News
Summer Activities for All Through The CPAWS Nature Club
CPAWS Environmental Educator, Avery Kash joined CTV Morning News to discuss the many outdoor activities designed to get Manitobans to reconnect with nature.
July 19, 2022 | CTV Morning News
Nature Club Activities Hosted by CPAWS Across Manitoba
CPAWS Manitoba is offering group hikes, yoga classes, mindfulness meditations, and other lessons and classes throughout the summer. Director of Communications and Public Programs, Mira Oberman and Environmental Educator, Avery Kash joined CTV Morning News to discuss.
July 19, 2022 | CTV Morning News
Mission of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society in Manitoba
CPAWS Manitoba's Director of Communications and Public Programs, Mira Oberman discusses the mission of the not-for-profit on CTV Morning News.
June 13, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Wet Conditions make for Unhappy Campers
"CPAWS is hopeful the province will acknowledge how critical parks are for residents’ physical and mental health by investing in the expansion of available campsites in the future so there are more spots available when flooding and wildfires occur," said Mira Oberman, Director of Communications and Public Programs at CPAWS Manitoba.
June 13, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Letter to the Editor: Protect Assiniboine Forest
CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen's letter to the Editor on June 13, 2022.
May 17, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Letter to the Editor: For peat’s sake
May 3, 2022 | City of Selkirk
Selkirk’s Camp Awesome Connects Kids with Nature
The City of Selkirk worked with us to develop Camp Awesome’s activities, placing a focus on outdoor learning and strengthening the relationship between camp participants and the natural world. Read Selkirk’s news release to learn more.
April 11, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Letter to the Editor: More camping spots needed
CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen's letter to the Editor on May 17, 2022.
January 24, 2022 | CBC RADIO - Up to speed
Polar Bear Maternity Dens Disappearing
Find out why Manitoba's polar bear maternity dens need protection and what you can do to help in this CBC Manitoba radio interview with CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen.
January 24, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Polar Bear Maternity Dens at Risk in Manitoba
Manitoba has lost nearly a third of its polar bears in the past 30 years. We will lose even more as the ice continues to retreat in Hudson Bay. CPAWS Manitoba is working to protect the lands where polar bear mothers raise their cubs.
January 4, 2022 | Winnipeg Free Press
Manitoba Must Preserve Its Ocean Ecosystem
Manitoba must embrace its identity as an ocean province and take steps to protect and conserve our threatened marine habitat.
December 16, 2021 | Radio-Canada
Webinar on Protecting Injured Wildlife
In this interview, we talk about the CPAWS Manitoba webinar on how to be a good neighbour to nature featuring Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre and our upcoming winter activities like group hikes.
December 16, 2021 | Beerly Standing Podcast
Review of CPAWS Manitoba and Torque's Polar Beer
CPAWS Manitoba and Torque Brewing teamed up to create Polar Beer, an American pale ale brewed with Manitoba spruce tips. The hosts of Beerly Standing review Polar Beer starting at 35:30 on episode 109.
December 9, 2021 | Radio-Canada
A Hike in French at La Barrière Park
For one of the CPAWS Manitoba Nature Club hikes, we partnered with Directorat de l'activité sportive du Manitoba, an organization that contributes to the development of Manitoba’s Francophone community through sport and physical activity in French.
December 2, 2021 | Winnipeg Free Press
Tories Pursue Private Partnerships for Parks: Document
A document shows the government was mulling a private model for parks months before it finalized a 21-year lease with a businessman to operate St. Ambroise Beach Provincial Park.
November 20, 2021 | CBC
Hit the Trail with Some New Friends
If you want to hike but you don't want to go alone, our free group hikes are a great way to help you hit the trail.
November 20, 2021 | Winnipeg Free Press
A Feel-Good Bundle of New Brews
We partnered with Torque Brewing to create Polar Beer, a seasonal American pale ale made with Cascade and Simcoe hops as well as Manitoba spruce tips.
November 19, 2021 | CBC
How Has the Pandemic Affected Avian Land Use?
Ahead of our webinar on the topic, Dr. Michael Schrimpf spoke to Marcy Markusa of Information Radio about how North American birds responded to reduced human activity during COVID-19.
November 19, 2021 | National Observer
200 Nature Groups Urge Trudeau to 'Get it Right'
Two hundred nature groups are urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to "get it right" when it comes to climate change and biodiversity loss, and CPAWS is one of them.
November 5, 2021 | CBC
Rare and Endangered Plants in Manitoba
Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson, Curator of Botany at The Manitoba Museum, led a webinar focused on endangered plants in Manitoba and spoke with CBC Manitoba about it.
October 18, 2021 | Winnipeg Free Press
Help Protect Polar Bear Habitats
The polar bear has been recognized as an official emblem of Manitoba, and in this letter to the editor, CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen stresses the importance of protecting polar bear habitats.
October 8, 2021 | Global News
Manitoba to Officially Recognize Polar Bear as Official Emblem
Manitoba introduced legislation to add the polar bear as an official emblem. CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director Ron Thiessen says he hopes the designation will improve conservation efforts for polar bears, which are deemed as threatened in our province.
September 30, 2021 | Express weekly news
Opinions Needed to Conserve East Interlake Region
With the help of CPAWS Manitoba, Peguis First Nation, and several Interlake communities, the Fisher River Cree Nation Conservation Areas Initiative aims to protect the health of the natural landscape while creating sustainable economic opportunities.
September 16, 2021 | The Uniter
See You There: Live Events in Manitoba
The University of Winnipeg newspaper featured the CPAWS Manitoba nature workshops in an article highlighting the return of live events in Manitoba.
June 29, 2021 | Radio-canada
Free CPAWS Manitoba Webinars
The CPAWS Manitoba Lunch & Learn webinars introduce people to nature experts in the province. Listen to this radio clip in French starting at 22:20.
June 22, 2021 | National Observer
Quebec and Feds Lead Canada’s Conservation Efforts
Lack of adequate conservation measures by provinces and territories is to blame for Canada failing to meet its international conservation target, according to a CPAWS report.
June 9, 2021 | Winnipeg Free Press
Second Developer Awarded Contract in Provincial Park
The Pallister government has contracted out work to a private developer in a second provincial park, angering the union for conservation officers and environmental groups, who demand an end to the privatization of public assets.
June 8, 2021 | CTV
Free Webinars Connecting Manitobans to Nature
Thousands of people have attended the CPAWS Manitoba Lunch & Learn webinars, learning new wilderness skills and growing their connection to nature.
June 7, 2021 | CTV
Manitoba Gives the Reins of a Provincial Park to a Private Company
June 7, 2021, marked the 60th anniversary of the establishment of St. Ambroise Provincial Park in Manitoba, but this summer the rules are a little different, as a private company is managing the space.
June 7, 2021 | Winnipeg Free Press
Pallister Government Accused of Privatizing Provincial Park
Campsite fees tripled at St. Ambroise Provincial Park after a private company took over what was a public service.
June 2021 | The Leaf
Heed the Call
A newspaper that covers the Wolseley and West Broadway communities in Winnipeg published our blog post "How to Survive Yet Another School Lockdown: Get Outside," which features pandemic parenting tips from a twin mom.
May 14, 2021 | CTV
Trails Closed, Campfires Banned in Southern Manitoba Provincial Parks Due to Extreme Fire Risk
In spring, while several provincial campgrounds officially opened for the season, Manitobans couldn't have a campfire or go for a hike or bike ride on most popular trails due to wildfire risk.
april 22, 2021 | Radio-Canada
On Earth Day 2021, Premier Brian Pallister announced a $20-million endowment fund to be managed by the Winnipeg Foundation. Watch the clip in French starting at 8:20.
April 22, 2021 | Winnipeg Free Press
Fund to Pay for Upgrades to Manitoba Parks
At a time when Manitobans are heading to provincial parks in massive numbers to escape pandemic boredom, the government has set up a fund to improve them.
april 22, 2021 | Global News
The Manitoba government is creating a $20-million endowment fund for provincial parks intended to support park improvements and programming “in perpetuity.”
april 22, 2021 | Radio-Canada
Manitoba is creating a new $20 million endowment fund to maintain and improve provincial parks.
April 1, 2021 | CBC
Polar Bear Politics Heat Up in Churchill After Province Quietly Gives Company New Permits
First Nations and environmentalists decry a move by the provincial government to expand tourist access to polar bears in Churchill.
August 26, 2020 | cbc
Feds Put $3.2M Toward Conservation of Seal River Watershed in Northern Manitoba
The Seal River Watershed Indigenous Protected Area Initiative aims to protect the entire Seal River Watershed from industrial activity.