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Protect the Southeastern Interlake
A Legacy of Impact
Our vision is to keep at least half of Manitoba's public land and water wild — forever. We focus on protecting many important areas of Manitoba's wilderness.
Manitoba has pledged to protect at least 30% of our lands and terrestrial waters by the end of 2030. Some 13.7% of Canada’s lands and inland waters were protected in 2023, up from 10.6% in 2016.
CPAWS Manitoba has been instrumental in establishing 23 parks and protected areas in our province. That’s an area larger than Lake Winnipeg: nearly 26,000 square kilometres.
CPAWS has been protecting our Canadian Wilderness since 1963. The Manitoba chapter was founded in 1991.
Manitoba has 93 provincial parks and has protected 71,901 sq. km. That's 11.1% of our province. We’re ranked 7th out of 13 provinces & territories for the percentage of lands and waters protected.
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EnviRONmental Executive: Meet Ron
Conservation Classroom: Meet Carly
Environmental Education for a Brighter Future: Meet Our Ed Team
Take Action
Manitoba Needs A Plan to Protect Nature
The provincial government has committed to conserving 30% of Manitoba by 2030 to help fight climate change and protect threatened species.
But it’s going to take a lot of work to meet this ambitious target. So efforts need to begin immediately.
Take action for the future you want. Tell Premier Wab Kinew we can’t wait. We need swift and decisive action to protect Manitoba’s lands and waters.