December 4th, 2024Speak Up for Manitoba’s Lands and Waters in Budget 2025Urging all Manitobans to tell the Minister of Finance that the conservation of our lands and waters must be a top priority.Read More
November 29th, 2024How Big is 30%?: Manitoba Conservation Progress ExplainedWith 2030 steadily approaching, the 30% by 2030 (AKA 30×30) goal is becoming a global headline for conservation.Read More
March 8th, 2024Manitoba Needs to Invest in Nature in Upcoming BudgetPremier Kinew’s government needs to make a substantial investment to achieve its ambitious target of protecting 30% of Manitoba by 2030.Read More
February 26th, 2024A Budget to Help Manitoba — and the Planet: OP-EDThe upcoming Manitoba budget needs to show a strong investment in protecting nature, CPAWS and Audubon wrote in a Winnipeg Free Press op-ed.Read More
October 19th, 2023Tell New MLAs to Protect Manitoba’s Lands and WatersWe welcomed incoming MLAs with a caribou stuffie and a reminder that Manitobans are counting on them to protect our lands and waters.Read More
October 5th, 2023New Manitoba Government Ushers in Historic Commitment to NatureThe future is bright for nature in Manitoba after a new government was elected on October 3 with strong commitments to conservation.Read More
September 21st, 2023Nature-Based Solutions Have Role“We no longer have the luxury of delaying action to address this existential threat,” Ron Thiessen wrote in a letter to the Free Press.Read More
September 7th, 2023Find Out What Manitoba’s Political Parties Say About Conservation3 of 4 political parties pledged to protect 30% of Manitoba’s lands and waters by 2030 in response to a CPAWS Manitoba campaign.Read More
August 11th, 2023Media Kit for 30×30 Campaign – August 2023Quotes and background related to the CPAWS Manitoba campaign asking political parties to protect nature ahead of the upcoming election.Read More
August 4th, 2023OP-ED: Manitoba needs a Plan to Protect Nature“There is still time for humanity to rein in climate change if we act quickly and decisively. Ron Thiessen wrote in an opinion piece published by the Winnipeg Free Press.Read More
July 10th, 2023Re: Province unveils 72-point action plan on water strategyThe Manitoba government’s action plan for water management will not secure the health of our waterways without significant revision.Read More
June 22nd, 2023Good Signs in Winnipeg ByelectionManitobans need to call on political parties and candidates in the upcoming provincial election to commit to developing an action plan that will protect 30% of Manitoba’s lands and waters by 2030, our Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in the Winnipeg Free Press.Read More