

Featured image for “Tiny bats give hope to proposal for park”
December 4th, 2001

Tiny bats give hope to proposal for park

BACKERS of a proposed provincial park at Fisher Bay think little brown bats could be the big hook that gets the province to designate the area as Manitoba’s newest wilderness getaway. Fisher River Cree Nation Chief David Crate and a local bat expert said the area near Lake Winnipeg is
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Featured image for “Park will be gift to Canada and the world”
December 4th, 2001

Park will be gift to Canada and the world

LAST March, Premier Gary Doer and David Anderson, then federal environment minister, signed an agreement to work toward the creation of Manitoba’s third national park in the northern Interlake by May 2005, and to complete public consultations by the end of 2004.The year is now over, and the consultations have
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Featured image for “Attend a Gathering for our Parks”
December 4th, 2001

Attend a Gathering for our Parks

Healthy provincial parks create a healthy environment and a better future for all Manitobans. Unfortunately, industrial activity such as clearcut logging is permanently degrading our parks.In the coming months forestry licenses that were granted to corporations to clearcut log these cherished areas are expiring. The government is currently negotiating new
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Featured image for “‘What Can We Do Today?’ Creating a Climate for Change after Copenhagen”
December 4th, 2001

‘What Can We Do Today?’ Creating a Climate for Change after Copenhagen

With the eyes of the world on Copenhagen this week, one Canadian entrepreneur is following the United Nations Summit on climate change particularly closely. Invenia CEO Matthew Hudson believes real environmental progress is possible with the click of a mouse, and he can prove it. (PRWEB) December 10, 2009—With the
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Featured image for “Province Provides $500,000 to Support Development of Land-use Planning on East Side of Lake Winnipeg”
December 4th, 2001

Province Provides $500,000 to Support Development of Land-use Planning on East Side of Lake Winnipeg

The province is providing $500,000 to support land-use planning on theEast Side of Lake Winnipeg which will give local communities a greatersay over how resources in the region are utilized, Conservation MinisterStan Struthers announced today. “We want the people of the area to have input into future resource usein the
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Featured image for “New Report Measures Wildlife Watching’s Contribution to Nation’s Economy”
December 4th, 2001

New Report Measures Wildlife Watching’s Contribution to Nation’s Economy

A new report recently released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows that expenditures for wildlife watching are equivalent to the revenues generated from all spectator sports, amusement parks and arcades, non-hotel casinos, bowling centers and skiing facilities combined.Using data from the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and
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Featured image for “Mr. Doer goes to Denmark”
December 4th, 2001

Mr. Doer goes to Denmark

CANADIAN Ambassador to the United States and former Manitoba premier Gary Doer is off to Copenhagen to save the day for Canada at the climate conference there. Actually, he will only help to save the day. He is one member of a team of 17 distinguished Canadians recruited by Environment
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Featured image for “Manitoba Government Releases Caribou Strategy”
December 4th, 2001

Manitoba Government Releases Caribou Strategy

After years of delays, the Manitoba government has released its Conservation and Recovery Strategy for Boreal Woodland Caribou. The Strategy is a weaker, watered-down version of its predecessor that fails to embrace what is truly needed to create a healthy future for threatened woodland caribou – protecting large, intact areas
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Featured image for “Wilderness areas get protection”
December 4th, 2001

Wilderness areas get protection

The Manitoba government has set aside three wilderness areas in the province to protect wildlife from ATVs, snowmobiles and other human encroachment. The new areas are the Whitemouth Bog Ecological Reserve, the Whitemouth Bog Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and Observation Point WMA. The undeveloped wilderness areas total more than 14,000
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