January 30th, 2025Safeguarding Manitoba’s Natural Legacy for the FutureFor generations, Manitobans have found great meaning in the lands and waters that shape our province.Read More
January 24th, 202525 Ways CPAWS Manitoba is Making Conservation Count in 2025!From Indigenous-led conservation to saving critical wildlife habitats, here are 25 exciting ways we’re making conservation a priority this year. Get ready to be inspired, and let’s make 2025 the year that Manitoba speaks up for nature like never before!Read More
September 21st, 2023Nature-Based Solutions Have Role“We no longer have the luxury of delaying action to address this existential threat,” Ron Thiessen wrote in a letter to the Free Press.Read More
July 13th, 2023First Peoples FirstAn outstanding First Nations campaign in Manitoba that’s now on the cusp of creating one of the largest Indigenous protected areas in the country had a modest beginning—as a conversation with CPAWS Manitoba about how to save caribou.Read More
July 10th, 2023Re: Province unveils 72-point action plan on water strategyThe Manitoba government’s action plan for water management will not secure the health of our waterways without significant revision.Read More
June 22nd, 2023Good Signs in Winnipeg ByelectionManitobans need to call on political parties and candidates in the upcoming provincial election to commit to developing an action plan that will protect 30% of Manitoba’s lands and waters by 2030, our Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in the Winnipeg Free Press.Read More
May 23rd, 2023OP-ED: Time for the Province to Step Up on ConservationManitoba has a golden opportunity to show true leadership for the future of people and wildlife by committing to the global target of conserving 30 percent of earth’s lands and waters by 2030.Read More
April 27th, 2023Winnipeg Will Sign Biodiversity PledgeWinnipeg will join dozens of other cities around the world in a pledge to take 15 tangible actions to protect urban biodiversity.Read More
April 3rd, 2023Province Must Reduce EmissionsManitoba’s forests, grasslands, wetlands and ocean are part of the climate change solution. These ecosystems help to mitigate the impacts of climate change by absorbing greenhouse gas emissions.Read More
March 27th, 2023Solution to Canada’s looming water crisisNature needs to be part of the solution to water management. Wetlands and forests help to filter contaminants out of the water we drink and also help to retain and store water, lessening the impacts of floods and droughts.Read More
March 16th, 2023Manitoba’s Amisk Park Reserve needs your help to keep protected designationManitobans are being asked to share their thoughts on protecting Amisk Park Reserve for another five years. You have until the end of March!Read More
January 27th, 2023Beluga Gala Brings Canada’s Whale Protection into the SpotlightCanada must do a better job of protecting beluga whales and the best way to do that is to establish a marine protected area in Hudson Bay.Read More