

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's (CPAWS) helpful list of links.

  • Assiniboine Watershed Stewardship Association
    The Assiniboine Watershed Stewardship Association is an independent, non-profit organization that is dedicated to protecting and enhancing source water in the Assiniboine River Watershed.
  • Canadian Boreal Initiative
    Established in 2003, CBI works with a wide range of conservation organizations, First Nations, industry and other interested parties to link science, policy and conservation activities in Canada’s boreal forest.
  • Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources
    A national Aboriginal-owned environmental organization offering research, consulting, education and training services to First Nation and non-First Nation communities, governments and private companies.
  • Climate Change Saskatchewan
    Climate Change Saskatchewan builds awareness and understanding of climate change, motivates actions and develops support for change.
  • Coalition to Save the Elms
    A nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the stewardship of the elm and other trees, forests and the urban environment.
  • CPAWS Websites:
  • British Columbia
  • Calgary/ Banff
  • CPAWS National
  • Manitoba
  • Montreal
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Northern Alberta
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ottawa Valley
  • Saskatchewan
  • Wildlands League (Toronto)
  • Yukon
  • Earth Day Canada
    A national charitable environmental communications organization, EDC is mandated to improve the state of the environment by empowering Canadians to take action and achieve local solutions.
  • Ecosuperior Environmental Programs
    EcoSuperior delivers programs that encourage and support environmental stewardship in the Lake Superior basin and beyond, for the benefit of present and future generations.
  • Green Kids
    Green Kids is the only theatre group in Canada dedicated solely to environmental education for young people.
  • Harmony Foundation
    Harmony Foundation is recognized internationally for its leadership in multi-sector cooperation and creating innovative training programs and educational materials for educators, youth, the workplace and communities.
  • Harvest Moon Society
    Based in Clearwater, Manitoba the Harvest Moon Society works toward strengthening and building linkages between urban and rural areas empowering communities while creating strategies and infrastructure to sustain community and environment.
  • Invasive Species Council of Manitoba
    The Invasive Species Council of Manitoba is a non-profit organization that has adopted a collaborative approach to the prevention, early detection, management and potential eradication of invasive species threatening Manitoba’s landscape.
  • Living by the Water Project
    A national partnership initiative that is working towards healthier human and wildlife habitat along the shorelines of Canada.
  • Living Prairie Museum
    A 12 hectare (30 acre) tall grass prairie preserve located inside the City of Winnipeg.
  • Manitoba Eco-Network
    Provides services to environmental and social reform member groups as well as the public.
  • Manitoba Naturalist’s Society
    The MNS is a non-profit organization made up of individuals who share a common concern for the well-being of Manitoba’s nature.
  • Manitoba Purple Loosestrife Project
    The four objectives of this nonprofit coalition are community education, habitat restoration campaigns, loosestrife mapping and monitoring and delivery of action-oriented, sustainable management strategies.
  • Manitoba Wildlands
    Supports the public policy goal of protected areas establishment in Manitoba.
  • Mixedwood Forest Society
    Committed to fostering research and educational activities promoting an understanding of the ecology of the parkland forest and its sustainable use.
  • Native Orchid Conservation Inc.
    Native Orchid Conservation Inc is a non-profit organization, founded in April of 1998, whose purpose is to protect unique mini-ecosystems and their plant communities.
  • Natural Resources Defence Council
    An American environmental action organization that uses law, science and the support of more than 1 million members and online activists to protect the planet’s wildlife and wild places.
  • Nature Canada
    Nature Canada’s mission is to protect and conserve wildlife and habitats in Canada by engaging people and advocating on behalf of nature.
  • Nature Saskatchewan
    Nature Saskatchewan promotes the appreciation and understanding of our natural environment through education, conservation and research. Founded in 1949, Nature Saskatchewan has been observing, documenting and protecting the province’s biological diversit
  • Ontario Parks Association
    Ontario Parks Association (OPA) is committed to civic beautification, the advancement, protection and conservation of parks, open space and the environment.
  • Organic Food Council of Manitoba
    The Organic Food Council of Manitoba (OFCM-COG) is a chapter of Canadian Organic Growers.OFCM-COG is an educational organization that increases the growth and accessibility of local organic food in Manitoba.
  • Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
    Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Inc. (PWRC) is a non-profit organization whose main goal is to treat injured and orphaned wildlife and to successfully release them back to their natural habitat.
  • Saskatchewan Archaeological Society
    Saskatchewan Archaeological Society (S.A.S.) is dedicated to the education and conservation of archaeology. S.A.S. promotes responsible stewardship of Saskatchewan’s rich and diverse archaeological heritage.
  • Save Our Seine
    Dedicated to preserving, protecting and enhancing the natural environment and heritage resource of the Seine River.
  • Silva Forest Foundation
    The Silva Forest Foundation is a pioneer and leader in the development and application of ecosystem-based conservation planning. EBCP is a practical means of relating to and using Earth in ways that maintain and/or restore biological diversity and natural
  • The Nolalu Eco Centre
    The Nolalu Eco Centre is a home and learning centre created to promote and teach skills and knowledge that are beneficial to our planet and help create healthy communities.
  • The POLIS Project on Ecological Governance
    The POLIS Project on Ecological Governance is a centre for research and action The Water Sustainability Project was established by POLIS and recognizes that water scarcity is largely a social dilemma that cannot be solved by technical innovations alone.
  • The Wilderness Classroom Organization
    A non-profit organization that uses technology to transport students to the planet’s most environmentally important locations.
  • Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre
    Formed in 1984 by a group of environmentally concerned citizens, the Manitoba Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization (MWRO) was Manitoba’s first wildlife rehabilitation organization. We continue today to provide care to Manitoba’s injured and orphaned Wildl

Help Keep Manitoba Wild


CPAWS Manitoba has helped establish 23 parks and protected areas thanks to people like you.

With your help, we can protect half our lands and waters for future generations of people and wildlife.