The province is requesting your input by March 30th on their proposal to renew the protected status of Amisk Park Reserve. Without expressed support for continued protection, Amisk may once again be open for industrial resource activities that would impact the area’s pristine natural state.
Learn more about CPAWS Manitoba’s campaign to protect Amisk Park Reserve
With pristine lakes, sandy ridges and shorelines and heaving shoulders of exposed rock, the 1,970 km2 of Precambiran Boreal Forest that makes up Amisk Park Reserve is the only existing protected area in the Churchill River Uplands ecoregion.
It is an intact habitat that supports incredible boreal species including black bear, fox, wolf, marten, beaver, muskrat and an incredible diversity of migratory birds. Further, Amisk overlaps with the Harding Range of the boreal woodland caribou (provincially and federally threatened). One of 15 identified caribou ranges in Manitoba, the Harding Range is identified as one at highest risk.
Interim protection for Amisk Park Reserve was first established in 1997 and renewed several times to allow for continuing discussions on the future of these lands.
Read CPAWS Manitoba’s article when protections were last extended in 2018
Amisk overlaps the traditional territories of Nisichawayasihk, Tataskweyak,O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nations, and possibly others. The area is of interest for permanent protection, a prospect which requires time for further consultation between First Nations and the province.
The law also requires that all Manitobans have the opportunity to provide their input during the review period. In the meantime, extension of park reserve status would ensure Amisk is protected from industrial development and resource exploration. The rights of First Nations and other Indigenous people to access this area for hunting, trapping, fishing and other traditional pursuits are respected by the park reserve status and would continue to be respected if a new protection designation is established.
Tell the province you agree with the proposal to renew Amisk Park Reserve by visiting their online comment form
In the space for “Additional Comments”, feel free to use these points as a guide for your submission.
“I support the 5 year extension of Amisk Park Reserve because…”
- it offers much needed interim protection from industrial development that will allow time for proper consultation with affected First Nations and Manitobans regarding the possible permanent protection of this area.
- it represents the only protected area within the Churchill River Uplands Region.
- it overlaps with one of Manitoba’s most threatened boreal woodland caribou ranges.
- it is valuable habitat for an incredible diversity of Boreal species including migratory songbirds.