
Know the North to share their journey at the CPAWS AGM

October 31, 2016

It’s been a wild ride navigating the conservation challenges and opportunities of a landscape as rich and varied as the Boreal in Manitoba. We are incredibly proud of the conservation successes that we couldn’t have achieved without the generosity and passion for wild nature that our supporters exude. That’s why we want you to join us on November 29th for a celebration of our work and the wild landscapes of Manitoba that continue to inspire us all.

“We were not adventurers exploring new and undiscovered places; we were young canoeists visiting a land rich in history and full of meaning. Telling the story in this way is more exciting, meaningful, and honest than any tale of “exploration” will ever be”. – Kira Burkett, Know the North

A feature presentation from our friends and conservation education partners Know the North will draw you into the stories, images and reflections collected by this team of educators on their 1,400 km canoe trip from northern Saskatchewan to Hudson Bay; a trip spurred by a desire to encourage a new generation of Canadians to be active participants in protecting remote northern wilderness.

No stranger to protecting remote wilderness, CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director, Ron Thiessen will be sharing some of the stories behind the organizations’ milestone achievements and give you a look into the work we are focused on in Manitoba for the coming year

This evening will start with the brief proceedings of our Annual General Meeting. (We get it, nobody’s really excited about bylaw amendments so we’ll get the business end of things wrapped up quick). Complimentary refreshments and 2017 CPAWS calendars for those in attnedance. This event is put on in partnership with our great friends at Wilderness Supply!



  1. Remarks and Executive Directors presentation on current campaign news
  2. Treasurer’s report
  3. Vote to amend bylaws (view the proposed bylaw amendments here!).
  4. Board of Directors election (view candidate bios here!)
  5. AGM adjournment.

Know the North presentation to follow.


Help Keep Manitoba Wild


CPAWS Manitoba has helped establish 23 parks and protected areas thanks to people like you.

With your help, we can protect half our lands and waters for future generations of people and wildlife.