August 11th, 2023Media Kit for 30×30 Campaign – August 2023Quotes and background related to the CPAWS Manitoba campaign asking political parties to protect nature ahead of the upcoming election.Read More
August 4th, 2023OP-ED: Manitoba needs a Plan to Protect Nature“There is still time for humanity to rein in climate change if we act quickly and decisively. Ron Thiessen wrote in an opinion piece published by the Winnipeg Free Press.Read More
July 17th, 2023Protecting Our Polar PalsWe loved seeing all the creative entries for the #ProtectPolarBears Colouring Contest. Thanks so much to everyone who entered.Read More
June 29th, 2023Children Ask Manitoba Environment Minister to Protect Polar BearsChildren asking the Manitoba government to protect polar bears met with Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein in the legislature.Read More
June 22nd, 2023Good Signs in Winnipeg ByelectionManitobans need to call on political parties and candidates in the upcoming provincial election to commit to developing an action plan that will protect 30% of Manitoba’s lands and waters by 2030, our Executive Director Ron Thiessen wrote in the Winnipeg Free Press.Read More
May 23rd, 2023OP-ED: Time for the Province to Step Up on ConservationManitoba has a golden opportunity to show true leadership for the future of people and wildlife by committing to the global target of conserving 30 percent of earth’s lands and waters by 2030.Read More
May 16th, 2023Hiking Through the Vast Manitoba Desert, at Spirit SandsAlways wanted to explore the desert, but didn’t want to take the trip? Did you know we have the next best thing right here in Manitoba!Read More
March 16th, 2023Manitoba’s Amisk Park Reserve needs your help to keep protected designationManitobans are being asked to share their thoughts on protecting Amisk Park Reserve for another five years. You have until the end of March!Read More
September 12th, 2022Letter to the Editor: Indigenous effort appreciatedI applaud the Indigenous nations within Manitoba that are working to establish protected and conserved natural areas.Read More
August 11th, 2022Why Young Climate Activists Should Get Involved in ConservationWe’re exploring how young climate activists can get involved in environmental conservation to mark International Youth Day.Read More
July 28th, 20227 Webinars Introducing You to Manitoba’s ArcticWe introduced Manitoba’s north to more than 390 people over three months in 2022 with our Arctic Speaker Series.Read More
July 4th, 2022Follow Indigenous leadership: Letter to the EditorCanada needs Indigenous leadership to ensure nature’s life support systems can sustain people and wildlife into the future.Read More