Calling all children and teens!
Help spread the word of the importance of protecting beluga whales and Hudson Bay through the CPAWS Manitoba #ProtectHudsonBay Colouring Contest, running from March 9 to 29, 2021. Five lucky winners will receive a $25 McNally Robinson Booksellers gift card!
This contest is open to Manitoba residents ages 16 and under.
How to Enter
- Download the colouring page.
- Scan the colouring page or take a photo of it in a well-lit area.
- Complete the online entry form. You can enter up to five times! Simply complete a separate entry form for each submission.
- For a bonus chance to win, post the submitted colouring page on Instagram! Participants or their parents/guardians can post a photo on their feed with the hashtag #ProtectHudsonBay and tag @cpawsmb to be entered into another random draw strictly for those who share their entry on Instagram. If the account is private, send us a screenshot by email to show us that you posted on Instagram. If you entered more than one colouring page (up to five) through the entry form, post them all on Instagram for a higher chance to win!
The contest runs from March 9 to 29, 2021. Winners will be notified by March 31, 2021.
Contest Prizes
Four participants will be randomly selected among all entrants to win a $25 McNally Robinson Booksellers gift card. One participant who also posts their entry on Instagram with the hashtag #ProtectHudsonBay and tags @cpawsmb will be randomly selected to win a $25 McNally Robinson Booksellers gift card.
The first 50 people who enter the contest will receive a #KeepManitobaWild sticker!
Rules and Regulations
Please read the contest rules and regulations here.
Safe at Home in Nature
Nature has been here for us during the pandemic.
Parks became a refuge for people seeking safe spaces to escape the stress of the world. Provincial campsites were fully booked on summer weekends. Trails were so popular parking lots overflowed onto highways.
CPAWS Manitoba wants to help maintain and grow this positive connection to nature. That’s why we’re providing resources, contests and online events that connect people to nature from the safety and comforts of home. Let Manitoba’s wild spaces be a refuge for you and your family.
This contest is meant to encourage Manitobans to safely learn about nature, appreciating the beauty of our wild spaces, as part of our Safe at Home efforts.