
Proposed BiPole 3 Major Hydro Corridor Display

October 2, 2008
On October 2nd, Manitoba Hydro conducted an open house to provide information and receive feedback on the proposed BiPole 3 major hydro corridor. As Manitoba Hydro is not providing the informational displays online, we’ve taken matters into our own hands by photographing all the visuals and posting them digitally for easy public access.

As the BiPole 3 proposal has huge implications for Manitoba’s future, CPAWS encourages Manitoba Hydro to do better when it comes to their obligation of engaging citizens in their mega-project ambitions. Manitoba Hydro needs to enact the following improvements to ensure we are given a reasonable opportunity to participate:

  1. Future open houses located at a central and well-known Winnipeg venue, rather than in St. Norbert which is very inconvenient for many citizens
  2. Placing all informational materials online to greatly improve public access and participation
  3. Providing an online venue for public input
  4. Significantly increasing promotion of open houses so people know about them.

Make your comments known! Please send all comments to Manitoba Hydro at: [email protected]

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