
Plans for Protecting Caribou Released!

December 23, 2011

The province asks for public comment on plans to protect two caribou ranges on the east side of Lake Winnipeg

CPAWS is pleased the draft plans acknowledge the need to protect caribou habitat. We hope the final plans will specify that these protected areas need to be large. Caribou are a sensitive species that need vast tracts of intact lands to survive.

We are concerned about the plan’s large focus on predator control and recreating habitat, as these are unproven and financially costly measures. The final plans need to make legislated habitat protection the top priority. This is the only approach that’s guaranteed to work.

CPAWS will be making official recommendations for the final action plans to the province. We’re pleased the government is providing a 90-day public comment period.

The east side of Lake Winnipeg is the heart of the world’s largest intact boreal forest. Keeping the caribou healthy there is an essential part of maintaining the area’s spectacular but delicate web of life.

The east side region is globally significant producer of fresh water and oxygen. Its many rivers also provide lifelines of clean water to Lake Winnipeg. Protecting what the caribou need protects what we all need.

CPAWS is working with all involved to secure a healthy future for the boreal forest and forest-dependant communities.

Review the caribou action plans

To comment on the plans – [email protected]

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