
Photo Contest Promotes Conservation

July 23, 2007

As industrial developments such logging and mining continue to penetrate
undisturbed wilderness regions, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
is urging shutterbugs to help protect Manitoba’s natural spaces.

The group
hopes its photo contest and subsequent 2008 calendar, that will be created
from the winning images, will inspire Manitobans and political leaders to
make wilderness and wildlife conservation a top priority.

“We’re asking photographers to bring our precious wilderness and wildlife
to people’s homes,” said Ron Thiessen, CPAWS Manitoba Executive Director.
“We’re confident that spectacular images and informative text will help
raise awareness and mobilize individuals to save our precious wild lands
and species.”

With only 8% of Manitoba’s area protected from industrial activities, our
province lags far behind western provinces such as BC and Alberta that
have respectively safeguarded 13% and 12% of their lands and waters.

The contest submission deadline is August 1st. Grand prize is a $500 gift
certificate from Photocentral. The contest is open to everyone. Entries
can be made at

For more information contact Ron Thiessen at 794 4971 or 453 6346.

About CPAWS – CPAWS is Canada’s pre-eminent community-based wilderness
protection organization. With 13 chapters and 20,000 members, it has
helped conserve over 40 million hectares of Canada’s most treasured wild
places since 1963. CPAWS works with governments, First Nations, industry,
and the public to ensure the survival of our natural heritage.

Ron Thiessen
Executive Director
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – Manitoba Chapter
3rd Floor – 303 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2B4

Help Keep Manitoba Wild


CPAWS Manitoba has helped establish 23 parks and protected areas thanks to people like you.

With your help, we can protect half our lands and waters for future generations of people and wildlife.