
Green Plan Forum a Success!

October 19, 2012

Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh spoke to a full house of environmentally concerned citizens at a forum to discuss Manitoba’s draft Green Plan Tomorrownow.

“It was great to see so many people at the event. As the deadline for public input to the Green Plan draws near, it’s a pivotal moment for Manitobans to express themselves about how to create a healthy future for our province,” said Ron Thiessen, executive Director of the Manitoba chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS).

Manitoba has an opportunity to conserve one of the largest intact wilderness areas on planet, heal Lake Winnipeg, and help curb global climate change. The Manitoba government and environmental organizations encourage individuals to read the plan, express their views, or join a working group.

The Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society (CPAWS), the Green Action Committee of the Unitarian Church, and the Manitoba Eco-Network presented the forum.

Comments on the draft Green Plan are due by October 31st.

  • Read the TomorrowNow draft plan (.pdf)
  • Submit your own comments to the government

Ron Thiessen, Executive Director, CPAWS Manitoba

Kristine Koster, Executive Director, Manitoba Eco-Network

Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh

Dan Lett, Columnist, Winnipeg Free Press – moderated the event

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