The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) launched the Green Cottager Guide to provide cottagers with the know-how to be good stewards of the environment.
“Cottagers have a vested interest in maintaining the well-being of the lands and waters that surround their homes away from home,” said Ron Thiessen, Executive Director of the CPAWS Manitoba chapter. “The Green Cottager Guide is a valuable tool for helping cottagers to keep Manitoba’s wilderness regions healthy and whole for the benefit of all.”
With over half a million cottages across Canada, cottagers collectively have a significant impact on the environment. CPAWS encourages all cottagers to do their part in keeping our air, water, and wildlife populations in good shape for future generations.
The Guide includes valuable information as well as useful tips on how to become a green cottager. The on-line handbook can be downloaded for reference, or be printed for handy use at the cottage. Cottagers can also print the included “Quick Tips Reference Guide,” to post on the cottage fridge. Printing with recycled paper is highly recommended.
The Green Cottager Guide can be downloaded at https://cpawsmb.orgresources/greencottager.php
CPAWS is Canada’s pre-eminent, non-profit wilderness protection organization.
With a network of 13 chapters, 20,000 members, over 50 staff and hundreds of committed volunteers, since 1963 CPAWS has helped to conserve over 400,000 square kilometers of Canada’s most treasured wild places in parks and other protected areas- an area nearly seven times the size of Nova Scotia! CPAWS has a bold vision to work with all involved to permanently protect at least 50% of Canada’s remaining wild lands and waters because that’s the minimum scientists say we need to maintain fully-functioning eco-systems.
CPAWS Manitoba’s primary role is working to establish large protected areas in Manitoba’s boreal forest. We focus exclusively on boreal forest conservation as it is our province’s greatest opportunity for large-scale ecosystem protection. Please visit to learn more about our conservation initiatives.
For more information, please contact Ron Thiessen, Executive Director, CPAWS Manitoba at 204 794 4971 or 204 949 0782.