
Local ice cream maker develops flavour to support Boreal conservation in Manitoba

September 8, 2015

               Lisa Dyck is a proud Manitoban with a great love for the province she calls home. And so, when the conservation-minded folks at BorealManitoba approached Lisa about the potential of developing a Boreal-themed ice cream as part of her award-winning Cornell Creme ice cream product line, she didn’t hesitate to help out.  Over the September Labour Day weekend, a new flavour -Boreal Blueberry Ice Cream – made its way into the freezers and homes of Cornell Creme customers and distributors.

“Both my husband William and I are proud Manitobans and we insistently market our dairy business as a Made-in-Manitoba company,” said Dyck. “Our 1,000-acre farm, Cornell Dairy, is north east of Winnipeg, between Beausejour and Anola, Manitoba. We are right on the cusp of the Boreal forest and not too far from the Canadian Shield. We know the areas around us very well, and we appreciate and respect the wilderness, the wildlife and the people that rely upon a healthy Boreal forest in Manitoba.”

Blueberries are found throughout the boreal forest in Manitoba.  The blueberries used to make the syrup for the new ice cream are sourced from Manitoba, as well as the East Coast. Cornell Creme’s ice cream cartons include a description of the boreal forest to help raise awareness of this natural treasure.  Manitoba sits at the heart of the Boreal forest, the largest intact ecosystem on Earth. The Boreal in Manitoba provides a home and livelihoods for Northern communities, including 49 First Nations, who have lived on the land for thousands of years. BorealManitoba celebrates the diverse and vibrant people, places, and wildlife in the Boreal and is a project of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society’s (CPAWS) Manitoba Chapter. Increasingly, Manitobans are recognizing that maintaining a healthy Boreal forest is vital to the province’s future economic and environmental health. The Boreal works as a filter, purifying waters flowing into Lake Winnipeg. Maintaining an intact Boreal is critical to restoring the lake (recently designated the world’s most threatened by the Global Nature Fund) to its former health.

“Manitoba’s Boreal forest region is a globally-significant asset, and we’re extremely fortunate that most of it has remained healthy and intact to date,” said Ron Thiessen, executive director of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society’s Manitoba chapter.  “There’s a unique opportunity in Manitoba to chart a future for the Boreal region that finds a balance between sustainable development and protection of the forest.  We are extremely grateful to Lisa and William at Cornell Creme for helping promote the importance of our great forest via their excellent made-in-Manitoba product.”



For more information contact: Duncan Morrison, Media Relations, BorealManitoba,204.7703548

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