Some people ask me “Bou, why the heck is a Boreal woodland caribou involved in the Make Forests Count campaign”. Well, the big picture answer is that climate change is threat to all living things on this planet, humans, ungulates (that’s me), and others.
But for me it’s even more personal!
Canada’s Boreal forest, my home, is one of the largest remaining intact forest ecosystems on the planet. It’s one of the most important carbon storehouses on Earth.
If humans protect my home, you’ll keep the carbon storehouse intact and in turn you’ll protect YOUR family, your friends, and your species.
That’s why I’m asking you to take a minute right now to add your voice to CPAWS’ Make Forests Count campaign.
By adding your voice, you’ll be supporting a call for rules in the next climate change agreement that will require countries to protect forests and wetlands, and to account fully for the carbon lost by destroying them.
Take action today!
Click here to sign the petition and let the federal government know you want to make forests count at the Copenhagen UN climate change meeting in December.
PS – If you want to go a step further, please help support this campaign by making a donation now to CPAWS.