April 16th, 2022More Camping Spots Needed: Letter to the EditorManitobans no longer have enough camping facilities, protected natural spaces, or parks to serve our growing population.Read More
April 12th, 2022‘We need to leave it there for the next generation’ says Fisher River Cree Nation elderDorothy L Crate is a respected elder and member of Fisher River Cree Nation who wants the lands and waters protected for future generations.Read More
March 15th, 2022Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change have ‘Tremendous Potential’: Op-EdNature-based solutions are quickly becoming a larger part of the conversation about fighting the climate crisis and they have tremendous potential to help us limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.Read More
January 12th, 2022Polar Beer Launch Taps Into Hudson Bay Conservation EffortsCPAWS Manitoba hosted a sold-out fundraiser celebrating the launch of Polar Beer, a new spruce tip ale created by Torque Brewing.Read More
January 7th, 2022Six Engaging and Educational Nature Webinars for StudentsWith teachers and parents in mind, we’ve put together a list of six of our webinars most suitable for young learners.Read More
September 3rd, 2021Letter to the Editor: Make Assiniboine Forest a National ParkAssiniboine Forest would be an outstanding choice as a national park within Winnipeg.Read More
October 15th, 2020Conserve habitat for mooseWe welcome the Manitoba government’s aim to protect our imperilled moose population. A missing objective is conserving habitat.Read More
June 23rd, 2020Conservation in the age of COVID-19Never has the need for ambitious action to restore a balance with nature been more urgently needed.Read More
April 10th, 2020Even in uncertain times, we must continue to move forward: CPAWS National DirectorIt is going to take all of us to navigate these uncertain times, and emerge having created a stronger, more sustainable, and resilient society.Read More
December 14th, 2015Report: Manitoba a caribou recovery leader across CanadaIn its third annual review of government action to conserve Canada’s boreal caribou, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) finds there has been spotted progress – with too few jurisdictions showing significant leadership in protecting the species that has long graced our 25-cent piece. Under the federal Species-at-Risk Act,Read More
January 4th, 2011Hydro facing stormy watersOpposition to lake regulation licence looms The Grand Beach boardwalk was destroyed in October by huge waves created by a ‘weather bomb’ of rain and high wind in Lake Winnipeg’s south basin. Manitoba Hydro’s role in regulating the water level on Lake Winnipeg will be put under the microscope atRead More
November 29th, 2010On a Deadly TrailFor years, First Nations groups and scientists have been warning about the decline of caribou. Now, with some herds wiped out completely and others suffering declines of up to 97 per cent since the 1980s, governments and resource companies are finally taking note. The threat to caribou wasRead More