

Featured image for “Northern Boreal Summit to help Design Future of Manitoba’s Boreal”
February 17th, 2015

Northern Boreal Summit to help Design Future of Manitoba’s Boreal

Manitoba’s northerners and interested citizens are gathering in Opaskwayak Cree Nation today to discuss the future of the province’s Boreal Region, a vast, largely intact tract of forest and wetlands that accounts for approximately 80 per cent of Manitoba’s landscape.
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Featured image for “To build or not to build?”
September 12th, 2012

To build or not to build?

The public debate has largely centered on the question of where do we erect a Bipole III major hydro transmission line – on the east or west side of the province? Now we are asking the most important questions, the ones we should have discussed first. To build or not
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Featured image for “Scientists weigh in on Bipole, boreal forest”
September 29th, 2011

Scientists weigh in on Bipole, boreal forest

More than 75 scientists from around the world are urging Manitoba to protect one of the Earth’s largest intact boreal forests.
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Featured image for “The Majesty of Manitoba Preserved”
August 24th, 2011

The Majesty of Manitoba Preserved

The remote reserve of the Poplar River nation occupies a tiny cranny of the vast boreal forest that circles the Northern hemisphere like a verdant tonsure, stretching across Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia’s upper reaches. During summer, people and supplies access this small eastern Manitoba community by air or river barge.
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Featured image for “Bipole III: $11,000 vs $13.68”
June 1st, 2011

Bipole III: $11,000 vs $13.68

Here’s a partial transcript of what happened Monday night at the legislative building. It was sent to me by the NDP. The Selinger government sees itself increasingly under pressure from Hugh McFadyen’s Tories on the Bipole III file, and whether the line should be built down the short, and less
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Featured image for “Manitoba Hydro needs clean-energy image”
May 18th, 2011

Manitoba Hydro needs clean-energy image

DEAR EDITOR, In his May 6 column, Will Yanks pay for NDP mistake?,  Garland Laliberte gives the false impression that Manitoba Hydro faces no risks and no challenges when it comes to marketing and selling our power as a clean premium product in international export markets.  Nothing could be further
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Featured image for “Major flood could be disastrous for Lake Winnipeg: minister”
April 7th, 2011

Major flood could be disastrous for Lake Winnipeg: minister

Christine Melnick A major spring flood could be disastrous for Lake Winnipeg, which is already beset by huge algae blooms during the summer months, warns Water Stewardship Minister Christine Melnick. Melnick said floodwater flowing into the lake after washing across farm fields from a wide area will bring with it
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Featured image for “West-side hydro line right approach: lobby group”
March 18th, 2011

West-side hydro line right approach: lobby group

U.S. conservationists back NDP strategy A U.S.-based conservation group has weighed into the Manitoba Hydro Bipole III debate, arguing that moving the transmission line down the east side of Lake Winnipeg would harm the boreal forest. The Pew Environment Group’s report, which came out earlier this week, found Canada’s boreal
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Featured image for “Location not the issue”
February 14th, 2011

Location not the issue

In response to commentary by Canadian Taxpayers Federation (Bipole III boondoggle no longer affordable, Feb. 8), we would like to provide the following perspective. Based on a spreadsheet prepared a number of months ago, recent media reports have indicated that the cost of Manitoba Hydro’s Bipole III project will increase
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Featured image for “Hydro line could run under lake”
January 20th, 2011

Hydro line could run under lake

Study looks at what may come after Bipole III The not-yet built Bipole III will be maxed out once the next generation of dams is constructed, raising the spectre of a fourth mega-power line and reviving the idea of an underwater route. A 200-page report on the viability of a
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