Beluga Habitat in Manitoba, IMPAC5 Reception
Did you know that every summer, Manitoba’s coastline is home to the largest congregation of beluga whales in the world?
Join Oceans North and CPAWS Manitoba for a reception featuring scientific and Inuit cultural perspectives on the magnificent beluga whales of Western Hudson Bay.
Register for the free event here
You’ll also get a sneak peek at our presentation for IMPAC5—the International Marine Protected Areas Congress—happening in Vancouver this February.
This is a public event and registration is free. However, tickets are limited.
Register for the free event here
The reception runs from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM at Qaumajuq (300 Memorial Blvd).
Drinks and appetizers will be served.
If you wish to attend, please register by January 23.
Additional details will be sent to registrants by email the week of the event.
Learn More: Snot For Science: Measuring How Climate Change And Human Activity Affects Beluga Whales
Why protect Western Hudson Bay?
As Arctic sea ice melts, the belugas of Western Hudson Bay are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, industrial development and pollution.
We’re calling on the federal government to take action to protect this healthy beluga population as part of its commitment to conserving 30 percent of Canada’s land and water by 2030.
Register for the free event here
In 2017, the federal government identified southwestern Hudson Bay for protection as a National Marine Conservation Area (NMCA). However, the process has stalled, and the next step of a feasibility assessment has yet to be launched.
Creating an NMCA would help protect the belugas whales as well as the livelihoods of people who rely on them, including whale-watching tour operators in Churchill and Inuit harvesters further north. It would protect other important marine species including polar bears, seals and millions of seabirds. It would uphold Indigenous rights and provide economic benefits such as jobs and infrastructure.
Help us build momentum toward these goals!
By working together, we can ensure this healthy beluga population is there for future generations.
About IMPAC5
IMPAC5 is the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress, a global forum that brings together ocean conservation professionals and high-level officials to inform, inspire and act on marine protected areas. IMPAC5 will take place in Vancouver, Canada 3-9 February 2023.
IMPAC5 will end with a one-day Leadership Forum on 9 February where the results of the Congress will be presented, key issues will be addressed, and commitments to expanding ocean protection will be reaffirmed.
Register for the free event here
WATCH: UNPROTECTED: Western Hudson Bay and Its Beluga Estuaries