December 27th, 2024The Marine Marvels of Hudson BayFrom majestic whales to quirky sea stars, these 10 species showcase the incredible diversity of Manitoba’s Arctic marine life.Read More
June 27th, 2024Honouring the Water Gathering in Churchill Draws Ministers, Mayor, Knowledge Keepers and FamiliesChurchill residents and visitors celebrated bears, birds and belugas and explored opportunities to secure a healthy future for Hudson Bay.Read More
June 6th, 2024Honouring the Water Gathering in Churchill, ManitobaCelebrate Hudson Bay with events in Churchill to honour water and explore opportunities to secure a healthy future for people and wildlife.Read More
June 26th, 2023Exploring Manitoba’s Arctic CoastlineDid you know that Manitoba is a coastal province? Though we may be far from the coast itself, that doesn’t stop us from enjoying Manitoba’s distinctive landscape.Read More
January 27th, 2023Beluga Gala Brings Canada’s Whale Protection into the SpotlightCanada must do a better job of protecting beluga whales and the best way to do that is to establish a marine protected area in Hudson Bay.Read More
December 7th, 202223 Reasons to Be Hopeful About Nature in 2023I am hopeful that the world – and Manitoba – is ready to do the hard work needed to reverse a devastating loss of wildlife and wild spaces.Read More
July 28th, 2022IMPAC 5: What it Means for Ocean Conservation in ManitobaWe’re so proud to be participating in IMPAC5 and helping move forward marine conservation targets in Manitoba and across Canada. Read More
July 28th, 20227 Webinars Introducing You to Manitoba’s ArcticWe introduced Manitoba’s north to more than 390 people over three months in 2022 with our Arctic Speaker Series.Read More
January 4th, 2022Manitoba Must Preserve Its Ocean Ecosystem: Op-EdManitoba must embrace its identity as an ocean province and take steps to protect and conserve our threatened marine habitat.Read More
November 3rd, 2021Polar Bears in a Warming Arctic: Why Manitoba’s Melting Sea Ice MattersPolar Bear International’s Dr. Andrew Derocher reveals the stark reality of how a warming arctic is impacting polar bears in Manitoba.Read More
November 2nd, 2021Snot for Science: Measuring How Climate Change and Human Activity Affects Beluga WhalesCan we measure the stress of beluga whales using their snot? That’s what Justine Hudson and #SnotForScience aims to find out.Read More
September 15th, 2021Why We Must Protect Beluga Whales: Quotes from KidsHere are the summer 2021 winners of the CPAWS Manitoba colouring contest and quotes about the importance of protecting beluga whales.Read More